YOUR NAME Lab 2: CSS Selectors

First, the basics.

You need the following to build your website

You should list your top 3 goals for the class below.
  1. Learn front-end web design
  2. new programming languages
  3. how to work with others in a technical space
  4. popular web dev frameworks

Let's Try Some Inline Elements

Sometimes you want to draw attention to something in a line of text.

Sometimes you want to emphasize something in the text.

Sometimes you want to do both .

Empty Elements

Soft line breaks can't wrap anything.
Neither can image tags, or hard lines.
Add a hard line under here, and make sure you've used some soft line breaks to match your page to the sample.


Don't forget to use alt text on your images. It's important for accessibility.

If you build this page right, your images will form a small "carousel"
mochi.gif mochi.jpg mochi.png mochi.svg